Wednesday, December 19, 2018

【  】
理由は心理学者である古川竹二(明治 生まれ)の研究をもとに、文筆家の能見正比古(大正 生まれ)が書いた「血液型でわかる相性」が元々のブームの発端となりました。これは青春出版の青春シリーズの1つとしてロングセラーになるほど人気作でした。そして1971~1982年以降も血液型関連の執筆をしていたようで、長続きしたところから同様に人気具合がわかります。



これ以上長く回答するのは大変なので、以下リンクを参考ください。ヽ(´ー` )ノ

【 参考URL 】心理学評論刊行会によるPDF タイトルは「現代の血液型性格判断とその心理学的研究」佐藤達哉と渡邊芳之 著)

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Thursday, June 21, 2018

HTML 読み込み表示


Thursday, March 15, 2018


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Swiper demo
Slide 5
Slide 6
Slide 7
Slide 8
Slide 9
Slide 10

Saturday, March 10, 2018

スライド枚数の変え方わかりません↓↓ Swiper関連ですか?viewboxとは思えないです。

Friday, October 28, 2016

How do u think of this? This's amazing hamburger!

This's Japan's hamburger! That's too thin! Do they prefer compact things? I can not really understand why fat men are able to survive in Japan!! This's called "Big Mac" in my country.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Russian people are multi speaker

Today, I watched Olympic held

in Lio lastnight. In wrestling,

Japanese athletes were able

to get 3 or 4 gold medals. ( :

But the only one of strongest

Japanese woman in Japan, Ms

Sayuri Yoshida was defeated

by Russian girl. She's also

powerful as same as Yoshida.

Yoshida cried well when the

time over. A little bit, I was

also impressed and cried.

Actually, she wished to win

for her died father.Her father

was trainer of wrestling. So,

he's ever lead her to get 3

gold medals. On the game

day, I sympathized her.

  By the way, while I watch

the sports game, I find a

important point. It's about

race of athletes. There're

various countries there.

China, Mongoria, Japan,

India, Vietnam & Korea

like Asian are there. Also,

Germany, France, Italy,

Geek and SWE like EU

are there. & America, UK

and so on.

  However, most of nation

has few Russian athletes

somehow. I thought the

reason why different race

of people was counted as

other countries athletes.

Then, I found it. Russian

was ban by IOC the top

leader was in, so most

athlete seemed to chage

thier pride & nationality.

It's amazing for me that

athlete can speak various

language. Do they have no

border of language? blovo!

Some athlete join a nation

in middle east. Some

athlete join in a European

country. It's surprising skill.

I think we have to globalize

more like Russia.

THX 4 reading. If this blog

has something strenge,

tell me it by message or

coments. ^-^

Monday, April 11, 2016

This's Japan's Junk food news!

This's a big news of Japan!

The Mcdonald is saling the
biggest hamburger than ever!
I noticed it last night after
I missed my last train. It was
 Amazing size! The its name is

 "Giga Mac".

In my previous article, I wrote
about what I ate a too small
"Big Mac". If you have interest to it.
Read this one →

After I ordered "Giga Mac",
 I was looking for how size
 hamburger I could meat. Lol
Clerk served drink (coffee),
 cut and fried potato. They
are all Giga size! So Big!
Finally, Giga hamburger was
served. It took 18minutes to
line up them. As I expected it,
It doesn't let me down!~ !!
I thought "I can hold it?" then
I saw hamburger.

Watch this ↓

If u cam to Japan, plz try to have it!
I also write this blog in Japanese.